Meditation Blog

med·i·ta·tion “the process of training the mind to obtain mind power and be aware of thoughts and emotions”

Blue Sky Mind Meditation

Our thoughts and emotions are like clouds on the sky of our minds. When the clouds go away the pure blue sky will shine clearly with all its potentials, and then you will see the clear, vast blue sky of your mind. When the distracting thoughts and emotions subside,...

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Guided Mindfulness Meditation Practice ( 5 Min.)

Five Minutes of Mindfulness Meditation practice: Bring your awareness to your body. Sit with your back straight, alert yet relaxed, on a chair or a cushion. Let your eyes close, or leave them open with soft gaze whichever you feel comfortable with. Take a few deep...

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What is Meditation & Mindfulness Meditation?

The definition of Meditation and Mindfulness meditation: Meditation in general concept is the process of training our ordinary mind to better manage its thoughts, emotions, and feelings, in order to become relax, think more clearly, and live a healthier, happier and...

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Group Meditation Sessions

Whether online or through a group session, Meditation for All Ages offers a wide range of programs that cater to all age groups.