Mindful breathing developing focus attention, Mindful listening
The truth is that the moment we begin to cultivate the practice of mindfulness, we are immediately confronted by the reality of attention. Our lives are driven by endless distractions, often affecting concentration and making it difficult to stay focused. When we find the time to sit quietly with eyes closed, bringing our attention to the sensations of breathing, we also find our attention is often quite scattered. Our minds start wandering and can be hard to pin down, impacting our ability to focus on the task at hand.
The key here is to pay attention to our in and out breath with an attitude of acceptance, kindness, and curiosity. When our mind wanders and we notice, those are the moments of mindful awareness. We should congratulate ourselves that we noticed and kindly bring our attention back to the breath and the body. This practice can improve concentration and help those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder by enhancing their sustained attention.
Now let’s practice together:
Please go to your mindful posture, sit with your back straight, relaxed yet alert, like a tree reaching for the sun. Your eyes can be closed or open with a soft gaze. Take a few deep breaths and breathe out thoroughly. Allow your attention to be aware of your in and out breath.
When you breathe in, say to yourself: “I am aware of my in breath.” When you breathe out, say silently to yourself: “I am aware of my out-breath.” When your mind wanders, notice it, be aware of it, then on your out breath, let go of any sensations or feelings you are experiencing in the body and mind. This process helps to boost concentration and improve your ability to focus.
If you feel you are losing focus, find your anchor word and breathing in, and breathing out. Once you get distracted and your attention is swept away from your breath, just notice it. This is the moment of awareness. Kindly bring your attention back to your breath and the sensations of the body.
Now I’d like you to take a few deep breaths and bring your attention to your ears, and listen carefully to the sounds in your environment. Listen to the sounds inside the room you are sitting in, the sounds of your breath, and the sounds outside for a few moments. Listen mindfully to all the sounds around you. This exercise can help increase your attention span and improve your focus over long periods of time.
Then bring your attention back to your breathing, come back to this moment, come back to center…, and when you are ready, open your eyes.
Mindfulness is not just about focusing on a single task. It refers to improving your attention span and ability to concentrate on the present moment. Incorporating mindfulness exercises and physical activity into your daily routine can significantly boost concentration. In a world where social media and other distractions are constant, these practices can enhance your mental health and positively impact your ability to focus on tasks at hand.
Thank you,