Forgiveness Meditation ( Guided)
Sit with your back straight on a chair or a cushion.
Let your bodies be still. Let your eyes close.
Take a few deep long breaths and breathe out slowly. Relax your body, relax your mind.
Release any stress, tension or any discomfort you are experiencing at this moment.
Whenever your mind wanders, bring your attention back to your breathing and your awareness to the location point of your body: either your belly or chest or your nostril.
Breathing in, breathing out relax your mind, relax your body.
Then in your next breath put your hand on your heart center and start to forgive yourself for any wrong doings or any self-judgment you have had about yourself. Any strong feelings or actions, anything you have done which you think it was inappropriate.
Just forgive yourself and accept yourself the way you are at this moment, and repeat these phrases silently after me:
May I forgive myself for any harm that I have caused myself intentionally or unintentionally.
May I forgive myself for any strong feelings I have had towards people whom I know or don’t know, emotions like Jealousy, hatred, shame, anger, judgment, and so on.
Notice where in your body you feel these emotions, observe them, let them go and forgive yourself thoroughly.
Now I like you to take a few deep long breaths and bring your attention to your heart center.
Start to make space for other people who annoyed you or hurt you.
Bring them to your mind and try to forgive them for their wrong doings, since you know they are also conditioned to their own life situations, offer them the gift of forgiveness and let go of any difficult emotions you are experiencing at this moment.Release and relax your mind and body, stay in peace and enjoy the experience.
Now I want you to take a few deep breaths, come back to center, come back to this moment, slowly and gradually open your eyes, come out of meditation and go on with your daily activities.
Thank you
Gita Nilforoush
Published January 10, 2017