The power of meditation and the effect of it in our daily lives has been proven scientifically these days, and now we know when we practice it regularly, we can think more clearly, learn how to relax, and live a happier, healthier and a mindful life.

In this article published at NBC news, Dr. Richard Davidson explains 5 different types of short meditations that you can do during the day in your breaks, on your way home or anytime you have five minutes of a break during the day.

You need to learn this mindfulness meditation practice from a teacher, make it your own, and do it daily. First, learn  different types of meditations, then see what works for you, and then do it regularly according to the feelings and emotions you have at that specific day, you can combine a few different meditations for the day, and become your own teacher.





Researchers have proved that when we pay attention to what we are doing at the moment we are happier and more balanced, mentally and physically:

Recent research using smart phones to collect data from large samples of individuals in the real world asked people to respond to three essential questions:

What are you doing right now?
Where is your mind right now? Is it focused on what you are doing or is your mind elsewhere?
How happy or unhappy are you right now?

They found that 47% of the time, individuals reported not paying attention to what they were doing at the moment. And when they were not attending to what they were doing, on average they were less happy than when they were attending to what they were doing. That is, being distracted exacts a cost on our well-being.

Research in our laboratory has established that it does not take that much to make a difference. In a study that was published in 2013 on compassion meditation, we found that 30 minutes a day of practice over the course of two weeks was sufficient to produce a change in behavior and in brain function. Of course, we do not believe that such a change will endure unless a person continues to practice, much like with physical exercise where the impact of two weeks of daily training would quickly wear off if a person stopped exercising. The goal of these practices is to provide individuals with life-long methods that they can apply on a regular basis to maintain the gains they achieve.”

Check the full article here:

Date published: April 5, 2016

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