Meditation Blog

med·i·ta·tion “the process of training the mind to obtain mind power and be aware of thoughts and emotions”

Mindfulness Meditation practice: Equanimity And Acceptance

Mindfulness Meditation practice: Equanimity And Acceptance

Gita N · Mindfulness Meditation practice: Equanimity And Acceptance Equanimity means accepting everything that comes to our experience at the moment without judging it. Mindfulness is paying attention with equanimity. So, when we practice, we sit and observe anything...

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Meditation Instructor Course, My Spiritual Journey

Meditation Instructor Course, My Spiritual Journey

On September 2013 I have attended the six-month Meditation Instructor course at Willpower Institute located in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada. It was a unique meditation course that you cannot find it anywhere else in the Country. I had taken many different meditation...

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Present Moment Awareness Practice

Present Moment Awareness Practice

A simple mindfulness practice: Present moment awareness Rest in a state of presence to this moment exactly as it is without trying to change anything. Welcome, anything is present for you at this moment. Accept this moment exactly as it is without judgment, with...

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A Short Mindfulness Practice for Your Day

 Mindfulness practice for your day! Please go to your mindful bodies and let your eyes closed or leave them open with a soft gaze. Take tree beep breaths. Notice how your mind and body feel at this moment. Relax and let go of any feelings...

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Mindfulness Practice: Developing Focus Attention

Mindfulness Practice: Developing Focus Attention

Mindful breathing developing focus attention, Mindful listening The truth is that the moment we begin to cultivate the practice of mindfulness, we are immediately confronted by the reality of attention. Our lives are driven by endless distractions, often affecting...

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Compassionate  & Emotional Empathy

Compassionate & Emotional Empathy

Let’s start first by defining empathy: Empathy is, at its simplest, awareness of the feelings and emotions of other people. It means to understand what another person is feeling. To put yourself in someone else's situation and feel the person's pain, the person's...

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Group Meditation Sessions

Whether online or through a group session, Meditation for All Ages offers a wide range of programs that cater to all age groups.