Smile Meditation

Let the body be comfortable and upright, feeling your spine. Feet on the ground, hands on your lap. If it feels alright to you, gently close your eyes. When you hear the sound of the bell, listen with all of your attention all the way to the end. Sense the relaxing...

5 Reasons Kids & Teens Should Learn Mindfulness

By Andrea Poteet-Bell It’s been two years since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and we are still grappling with its effects. The pandemic shook our stability in almost every aspect. While we work towards economic recovery, market growth, and a return to what we knew as...

A Concise Mindfulness Practice: Gratitude & Appreciation

Find a comfortable place to sit with your back straight and your body relaxed. Allow your eyes to close or you can shift your gaze downward, choosing the option that feels right to you at this moment. Next, I’ll invite you to think about something positive in your...
The Power of Compassion & Self-Compassion

The Power of Compassion & Self-Compassion

Loving-kindness and compassion exercises can give a powerful boost to positive thoughts while helping to manage negative thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness and self-compassion practices develop a sense of security and well-being, enabling us to turn toward others with...
Meditation Instructor Course, My Spiritual Journey

Meditation Instructor Course, My Spiritual Journey

On September 2013 I have attended the six-month Meditation Instructor course at Willpower Institute located in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada. It was a unique meditation course that you cannot find it anywhere else in the Country. I had taken many different meditation...